Saturday, May 25, 2013

Kindergarten, done.

May 21st was Antonio's last day of Kindergarten! He's on summer break until August 8th of 2013 ... and couldn't be more impatient to get back. Sigh ... My little dude is growing up fast!

I saw a fellow blogger, Janette post her son's preschool-grad information here, and I thought it was an amazing little questionairre for the kiddos as they graduated each year. Fantastic idea! Well, I kept her questions ... and giggled as my little man answered.

1.  What is your favorite color?
2.  Who is your best friend?
Nathan Lu & Aaron Flores.
3.  Do you have a girlfriend?
Sophia ... Can I say her middle name too? Okay, Sophia Kelly Chau.
4.  What is your favorite thing to do at school?
Play at recess. 
5.  If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
To a TV station to be in a movie or show.
6.  If you had $100 to spend on anything, what would it be?
Wrestlers! Maybe a Pokemon.
7.  What is your favorite food?
8.  What is your favorite movie/tv show?
9.  What is your favorite sport to play?
10.  What is your favorite sports team?
Lakers for basketball.
11.  What do you want to be when you grow up?
Be a fireman.
12.  What is your favorite thing about Mommy?
That she buys me wrestlers.
13.  What is your favorite thing about Daddy?
He lets me play Playstation.  
14.  What is your favorite snack?
PB & J.
15.  What are you most excited about doing this last summer before first grade?
Use the water guns and my new swimming lessons!

Funny story, I totally had a special last day of school outfit, complete with a combover-esque hairstyle. Only ... Antonio had other plans. The night before his last day of school? He took his school scissors to his hair and ... well, we had to give him a really really small clip. So, he ended up pretty much bald:

I was kind of sad, but at least he didn't cut off his eyelashes like Daddy did at that age. Plus, he didn't hurt himself. Anyway, HE really liked it ... and said he looked like The Rock.
Who can argue with that logic?

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