Wednesday, August 7, 2013

First Day of School 2013

     You heard right! It's already time for back-to-school in my neck of the woods (erm, neck of the city?) this year. Yeah, August 7th to May 23rd is our school year. All the cool school stuff goes on sale in September, you know, when all the other kids are getting back into school ... but we managed to scrape stuff together for the year. Yes, that means we had major help from Grandparents haha.

     Javi is a junior. Antonio is a 1st grader. Squish is a kindergartener. Lala ... well, Lala gets to be woken up, fed, dressed and toted all over town hearing how adorable she is 1000x before 8am every morning. It works out for everyone.

     First day jitters? A little. Okay ... only Squish had them. He didn't want to go in, and hated that everyone was looking at him but once I managed to wrestle him to class (with the teacher's help), and adjusted a bit ... he was fine! I was nervous when I left, but when I picked him up he said "I can't wait to come back to my school!" His teacher is awesome and she has a lot of experience working with Autistic kids, and his class is a combo class of K-2 with only 10 students. Super excited for his first official year.

     Antonio has a cool male teacher - which will be new, but he's totally great! He will do awesome & this is a great chance to show Antonio that male educators are out there - and just as awesome as their female counterparts. Yaaay for gender stereotype role-smashing! Antonio's reading is at a 5th grade level, but we are having a hard time finding cool stuff he actually WANTS to read. Eeeps - any ideas?!

     Well, tell me about your first days at school ... don't forget to link me in!


  1. Lily starts school September 3rd and she will be a first grader! =]

    Try goosebumps, I use to LOVE those books!

  2. You guys start early down there! We start at the end of August. Glad day #1 was a success :)
